
How to Change What's Not Working

In Reset, Dan Heath offers a roadmap for leaders and teams to diagnose and fix the systems that hold them back. Using real-world stories and actionable insights, Reset empowers you to create lasting change in your organization. Early buzz about the book: Apple Books says: One of the Best Books of January Amazon Editors say: One of the […]

Making Numbers Count:
The Art and Science of Communicating Numbers

A clear, practical, first-of-its-kind guide to communicating and understanding numbers and data – from best-selling business author Chip Heath. How much bigger is a billion than a million? Well, a million seconds is 12 days. A billion seconds is…32 years. Understanding numbers is essential – but humans aren’t built to understand them. Until very recently, […]

The Quest to Solve Problems Before They Happen

New York Times bestselling author Dan Heath examines how to prevent problems before they happen, drawing on insights from hundreds of interviews with unconventional problem solvers. So often in life, we get stuck in a cycle of response. We put out fires. We deal with emergencies. We stay downstream, handling one problem after another, but we never make […]

The Power Of Moments:
Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact

Explore why certain brief experiences can jolt us and elevate us and change us—and how we can learn to create such extraordinary moments in our life and work.

What if a teacher could design a lesson that his students would remember twenty years later? Many of the defining moments in our lives are the result of accident or luck—but why leave our most meaningful, memorable moments to chance when we can create them?

How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work

Psychologists have found that our decisions are disrupted by an array of biases, from overconfidence to narrow framing. How can we learn to dodge these biases and make better decisions?

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How to Change Things When Change Is Hard

Some big changes, like getting married, come joyfully. Other small changes, like losing 10 pounds, can be excruciating. Why? And how can we make difficult changes a little bit easier?

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Made to Stick:
Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

Do you feel like your communication goes in one ear and out the other? Learn how to make your communication more effective and memorable. Introducing the six traits of sticky ideas…

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Myth of the Garage:
And Other Minor Surprises

From 2007 to 2011, Dan and Chip wrote a column for Fast Company magazines. In Myth, Chip and Dan have compiled a short collection of their favorites.

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