Thanks to you for being an early adopter of Making Numbers Count!
The podcasts below will, I hope, help you use numbers and analysis more effectively in your careers. You can listen to them and read the book in any order, but you'll probably get more out of the podcasts if you browse 4 or 5 chapters before you listen.
Do you ever feel left out of numbers discussions at work? This podcast describes four ways to ensure that your numbers carry the weight they need to. You'll learn which attributes of translation contain your superpower. And it will tell you an inspiring story about a non-quant NY Times journalist, going back to school for his MBA, who drove his study group, filled with quants to become rock stars in a series of challenging group assignments in their operations class, the most analytical course in what may be the most analytical business school in the world.
This podcast describes your most powerful superpowers: extrapolation and conversion to process. And it will warn you about the biggest villain of analysis, and will illustrate the villain with a funny story about how even the brilliant Stephen Hawking was captured by it. It will also describe a roadmap of careers, explaining why analytical people excel in the first 10 years of their career but can lag for the next 20. (Don't worry. There's a treatment.)